Monday, July 1, 2013

Joana kapet Mat pas Big Brother Albania (Video)

Joanna Gjuzi was eliminated last week on "Big Brother 6", which was rumored relationship ended because her boyfriend with Jani, having created a new connection inside the house with ANAID Kalotin.

Production of "BB" condition put 26-year-old from Tirana that for at least a week the media not to make any statement, while it her facebook profile has expressed her gratitude to fans with the words:

"Regardless of how this game ended, I thank you for your support, which relies on the good and the bad, because without you I would not have reached this point in the game."

After elimination, entertainment Joanna returned that night in one of Tirana s club. Ols Mingomataj and Sinjari Ervin, former competitors "BB" were two persons that Joanna has shared first emotions after leaving the game on Saturday. Reveals Details of Ervin, who tells what to Anaidin expressed Joanna and impressions after this adventure TV

Photos of first Joanës you were outdoors and Mingomatajn Ols. Previously known, and how is it that you met?
No, do not know each other before, but it was Joanna who came near us and chose us entertained, probably due to the fact that the three had lived the same experience of "Big Brother" and felt better.

What you showed for the game, said the disappointment that can not take the final touch?
Yes, seemed frustrated by the premature exit, according to her. I also did not expect the emergence of Joanës actually, but he always said and what the couples who created the "Big Brother" can not beat the final touch.

Whose society was Joanna and a bored look?
Was in the company of her friends, who not only leave at any moment, but danced in good time with the free end. Was "happy" with the company briefly, but he lacked lighting that can complete exactly Anaidit presence.

Anaidin told what had really feeling it?
For Anaidin said they would expect to come out to make statements about their wider long. However, the way the talk, I realized that there was much to heart, so that many felt his absence.

Yes Janin mentioned, what did it?
Just said that was why Anaidi left Janin, her boyfriend for years. However, not talked much about this part.

But last week she showed signs of jealousy game for Riken, after noticing an interest to her Anaidit. The Consumer this conversation?
In fact, it seems that annoyance Riken had therefore not counted by the bypass. Or rather, did indiferenten therefore seemed Rikja did not care.

In fact, there is much skepticism about the continuation of its association with Anaidin outdoors. Joanna was optimistic that this relationship will continue out of the game?
As far as I understood, I believe that their relationship will initially be a true adrenaline. Then set down at the two continuation or not. As long as I followed Anaidin, it seems like the type that girls and, when out of the game, will face much with them. This will be the risk of connectivity, as it would appear on the surface and the real jealousy. Anyway, not to speak prematurely, I think it will be a matter of time, despite the wishes of one or the other.

Dj Tenton ti kapi te pasmet nje super vajze (Video)

Untitled a singer which is very controversial in recent times after some event photographer as they were globally known actor Leonardo di Caprio.

Maybe those pictures she is coming back in the news headlines for the famous last public event of her private life by sharing her boyfriend Dragonforce.

These events apparently did not stop Venus continues to shaping music and discos across various commitments. Here we bring you a video where she performs in a discotheque somewhere in Italy with a provocative clothing and various songs.

Vajza qe po eksiton gjith Ameriken me videon e saj teper provokuse ! (VIDEO)

Vajza qe po eksi ton tere ameriken me videon e saj provokuese!!! Videoja me provokuese qe mund te keni pare ndonjehere shikojen se cfare ben ajo gjate 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Si e kalojne Zjarrefikesit Amerikan kohen e Lire(VIDEO)

Shikoni se si e kalojne kohen e lire zjarrfiksat ne Amerik duke kryer mardhenie me njeri tjetrin...

Shqiptari Shet Gruan per 50 Euro(VIDEO)


Vrasin veten pasi shohin gabimin ne video..(VIDEO)

SKENA TE NXEHTA… Tuna ft. Cozman

Këngëtarja shkupjane Altuna Sejdiu ka lënë në pritje fansat e saj që nga mbrëmë, për kur ishte paralajmëruar publikimi i videoklipit të ri.
“Feniks”, dueti i saj me Cozman (Ylber Abdullahu) megjithatë është zbuluar para publikimit zyrtar.
Dikush është kujdesur që të shuaj kurreshtjen e publikut, duke e hedhur këngën në disa faqe internet, duke përfshirë edhe You Tube.
Tuna ka zbuluar disa pamje nga ky videoklip, që pritet të publikohet gjatë orëve në vazhdim.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Ja si terhiqet vemendja e meshkujve (VIDEO)

Burri kap Gruan mat duke e tradhtuar , ja si reagon !! (VIDEO)

Ndalohet te Shikohet nga Pleqt me Smundje Zemre (Video)

Bejne edhe ate qe sbehet ne emision live (VIDEO)

Nuk Ja liron vendin .... i Ulet ne prehër (VIDEO)

Kamera e fshehur me Provokuese e gjitha kohrave (Video)

Nje Kamer e fshehur teper provokative (VIDEO)

Nje kamere e fshehur me te vertet provokative shikoni se si kjo sherbtore teper e bukur i provokon disa njerez kishe eshte duke pastruar. ..

Vajzes qe i ngrihet fustani sa her kalojne Kalimtaret(VIDEO)

Shikoni kete vajze qe i ngrihet fustani sa her i kalojne kalimtar afer...

Sherr mes vajzash në Tiranë, djemtë argëtohen duke filmuar (Video)

Pranë një qendre tregtare ne Tirane, disa vajza te moshës 13-14 vjeçare janë përleshur keq me njëra-tjetrën. Mendohet se fillimisht ato kane filluar debatin me fjale, për te kaluar me pas ne një sherr te rende. Ajo çka te bën përshtypje është indiferenca e djemve qe ndodheshin pranë. Ne vend qe te ndërhynin për t’i ndare ata duket se argëtohen duke filmuar gjithçka. Shikoni videon për me tepër!

Shiko si iu pergjigj Xherdan Shaqiri djalit qe i tha ti je tradhetar.. (VIDEO)

Bukuroshja e cila tenton ta puth Sali Berishen live ne ZONA e LIRE (Video)

Virgjeria , Ja Si Mund Ta Heqin Adoleshentet Pa Probleme (VIDEO)

Ne Kete Bmw Rozana Radi Ka Kryer Marredhenie (VIDEO)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Mamaja me e cmendur e cila i drejton pistoleten foshnjes te saj (VIDEO)

Keni pare ndonjehere kur kryejne marredhenie luanet? (VIDEO)

Vajza Qe Dredh te Pasmet Me Te Bukura Ne Bote (VIDEO)

Lallalalalalalallalal :D

Tuna jep nje mesazh ofendues per Vali Corleonen (VIDEO)

This Is Tuna . When she was in a live concert she gave a message for Vali Corleone !

Kryeministri Berisha do ti jape Kombetares 200 mije Euro neqoftese fitojn (Video)


Të nderuar miq, superndeshja luhet sonte. Me takikardi janë duke pritur fitoren që na sjell afër Rio.

Emocionet shërbejnë, por jo fitore, siç kishte premtuar, do të shpërblehet me 200 mijë euro. Le të gjithë dëshirojmë suksese ekipit tonë së bashku! sb

Translate :

Dear friends, superndeshja played tonight. With tachycardia are expecting victory that brings us close to Rio.

Emotions serve but not victory, as he promised, will rewarded with 200 thousand euros. Let us all wish our team success together!! sb

1 Milion Dollarë Kush E Zgjidh Këtë Problem Matematikor

Tani Beal, një miliardier amerikan, ofron 1 milion dollarë për këdo që zgjidh një problem matematikor.
Miliardieri, me një pasuri prej 8 miliardë dollarësh, i 43-ti në listën e miliarderëve amerikanë nga “Forbes”, e ka ofruar këtë sfidë që prej vitit 1993.
spot11595-15363-1_milion_dollare_kush_e_zgjidh_kete_prob-300x168[1]Gjthçka filloi pas vendosmërisë së Beal për të zgjidhur misterin 350-vjeçar të Teoremës së Fundit të Fermatit.
Në tekstet e vjetra quhet ndryshe si Konjektura e Fermatit dhe sipas saj nuk mund të gjenden tre numra të plotë pozitivë a,b,c që kënaqin ekuacionin an +bn + cn.

Mauldin, profesor i matematikës në Universitetin e Teksasit të Veriut doli me idenë për të ofruar një çmim për këdo që mund të provojë teorinë.
Xhordan Ellenberg, një matematikan në Universitetin e Uiskonsinit, thotë se teoria mund ta revolucionarizojnë këtë fushë. Marre nga gazetastart

Si Janë Dukur Të Famshmet Tona Nuse (FOTO)?

I keni parë në ekran shumë shpesh me stile e veshje nga më të ndryshmet, por sot do t’iu sjellimë disa foto nga jeta e tyre private,të veshura me fustan të bardhë. Me poshte ne ju sjellim disa nga fotot klikoni mbi foto per ti zmadhuar ato flm
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Por sot Portali Informativ do te ua tregoj fotot me te bukura me veshje nuseje.